So there’s no love in the world? That sounds rather bleak.
The vast majority of the human race are theists, I hope you aren’t saying 6 billion+ people are defending rapists by expressing their beliefs. That’s like saying someone who votes for a certain political party is guilty of the same actions as a disgraced former member of that party, or dismissing a race because of the actions of members of that race. Belief is one of the protected characteristics according to the Bill of Human Rights. Do you not believe in human rights?
Individuals perform actions and are responsible for them, but to associate all members of a group that may contain billions of people with actions of individuals within that group is, to borrow your phrase, simplistic and small minded. I’m not defending the actions of anyone that has committed a crime, but I am defending the rights of people to believe or not believe in what they choose without being prejudged(provided those beliefs don’tadvocate harm of others, which no one of faith can do without rendering themselves a hypocrit, which of course many throughout history and in current times have done).